@article { title = {Education systems and academic satisfaction: A study on 
rural and urban students of traditional vs open education system in India}, year = {2012}, month = {07/2012}, author = {Singh, Shashi and Singh, Ajay and Singh, Kiran}, keywords = {urban based students, traditional education system, rural based students, open education system, higher education system, academic satisfaction}, country = {Turkey}, address = {Eskişehir}, journal = {Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education}, volume = {13}, issue = {3}, pages = {390-406}, issn = {1302-6488}, abstract = {A satisfaction and dissatisfaction level within an individual influences the motivation level and his/her performance throughout the life. When an individual is satisfied with his/her work, he/she gets pleasure and feels motivated. Obtaining satisfaction from their education system is very important for students as this will lead to better learning possibilities. This paper aims to compare the level of academic satisfaction among the students of Traditional Education System and Open Education System. This paper also investigates academic satisfaction of urban and rural based students and comparing them over traditional (Urban: 110; Rural: 90), and open (Urban: 80; Rural: 71) education system. Statistical tests demonstrate that there is significant difference in the level of academic satisfaction among the students of Open Education System (OES) and Traditional Education System (TES).}, url = {http://tojde.anadolu.edu.tr/makale_goster.php?id=806}, attachments = {806-published.pdf}, }