@article { title = {Using Rogersʼ Theory of Perceived Attributes as a framework for understanding the challenges of adoption of open educational resources}, year = {2007}, month = {/2007}, author = {Perkins, Ross A.}, keywords = {OER theory, technology, trialability, relative advantage,}, language = {eng}, journal = {International Journal of Humanities and Social Science}, volume = {1}, pages = {59–66}, abstract = {Over the last decade, the word open has also been used to describe educational resources (OERs) and courseware (OCW). The word open, as used here, refers at one level to the fact that the end user does not pay to access the resources. However, various challenges exist in using and producing open content, and the fact that resources are free does not mean that they are automatically embraced by end users. Models of creating and sustaining OERs/OCW carry their own set of issues. This paper examines some of those challenges as seen through Rogers Theory of Perceived Attributes. The theory covers important aspects of diffusion as one considers the potential adoption of the innovation, and may help give supporters of OER another means of securing its long-term sustainability.}, url = {http://www.ijhssnet.com/journals/Vol_1_No_18_Special_Issue/8.pdf}, }