@article { title = {Open access and academic reputation}, year = {2010}, month = {09/2010}, author = {Willinsky, John}, keywords = {OER quality, OER perceptions}, language = {eng}, journal = {Annals of Library and Information Studies}, volume = {57}, issue = {3}, pages = {296–302}, issn = {0975-2404}, abstract = {Open access aims to make knowledge freely available to those who would make use of it. High-profile open access journals, such as those published by PLoS (Public Library of Science), have been able to demonstrate the viability of this model for increasing an author’s reach and reputation within scholarly communication through the use of such bibliographic tools as the Journal Impact Factor, conceived and developed by Eugene Garfield. This article considers the various approaches that authors, journals, and funding agencies are taking toward open access, as well as its effect on reputation for authors and, more widely, for journals and the research enterprise itself.}, url = {http://nopr.niscair.res.in/handle/123456789/10242}, attachments = {ALIS 57(3) 296-302.pdf}, }