@article { title = {SURF Magazine 01 (March 2010)}, year = {2010}, month = {03/2010}, author = {Marchal, Marjolein and Riksen, Daphne and Vet, Martijn}, keywords = {Video conferencing, SURF magazine, SURF, OERs}, journal = {Joint SURF Organisation}, publisher = {SURFfoundation, SURFNET, SURFdiensten}, edition = {March/2010}, issue = {1}, pages = {1-9}, abstract = {In this edition of SURF Magazine you will read about video conferencing, open educational resources and online collaboration. Table of contents of SURF Magazine 01 (March 2010): * Virtual lecture halls mean no need to travel * Open educational resources: A 'Wikiwijs' for Dutch higher education * Google Wave: A promising approach to online collaboration?}, refereed = {does not apply}, url = {https://www.surf.nl/en/knowledge-and-innovation/knowledge-base/2010/surf-magazine-01-march-2010.html}, attachments = {SURF+01+(March+2010).pdf}, }