%0 Journal Article %A Nkuyubwatsi, Bernard %D 2014 %J The Electronic Journal of e-Learning %K self-guided/radio learning %K online learning %K learning from MOOCs %K face-to-face learning %K cross-cultural education %K learning experience %P 195-205 %T A cross-modal analysis of learning experience from a learner’s perspective %U http://www.ejel.org/volume12/issue2/p195 %V 12 %X Abstract: Learning experience has been one of the most debated aspects of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Various perceptions on learning experience offered by MOOCs have led to many claims about the quality of these courses and their potential imp act on higher education in both developed and developing countries. This paper discusses, from a learners perspective, learning experience across four modes of learning: face‑to‑face, self‑guided/radio, online and MOOCs. My own educational experience expanded across the first three mode of learning. To gain similar first‑hand experience in MOOCs, I enrolled in one cMOOC and twelve xMOOCs and studied these courses alongside other engaged learners. I conducted a cross‑case analysis of the four modes of learning and identified strengths and limitations of each mode. Then I organised recurring patterns across the four learning modes into five themes: openness, availability, diversity, flexibility and interactivity. I found that each of these learning modes c an help learners achieve a significant milestone in learning, and accomplishment in one mode can bridge across to a different learning mode. I argue that a combination of learning modes, where applicable, can lead to better learning experience than an exclusive use of a single mode. I also argue that each of these modes can contribute enormously to learners educational, socio‑economic, and cross‑cultural migration as well as to their geographical mobility. Each of these modes can also contribute to bridging an educational divide if stakeholders in education capitalize on the target learners strengths, on existing access to media and on openness in terms of content, assessment and accreditation. This paper is likely to benefit educational stakeholders wh o want to open up access to education and to reach learners in underprivileged settings, and those who are interested in cross‑cultural education development. %8 05/2014 %@ 1479-4403 %* yes %> http://www.oerknowledgecloud.org/archive/ejel-volume12-issue2-article297.pdf