%0 Journal Article %A Leach, Matthew %A Hadi, Syed Munib %D 2016 %I SpringerLink %J Journal of Computing in Higher Education %K modular MOOCs %K digital badges %K completion rates %P 1-13 %R 10.1007/s12528-016-9129-6 %T Supporting, categorising and visualising diverse learner behaviour on MOOCs with modular design and micro-learning %V 28 %X Much is made of the diversity for MOOCs learners—with their varied motivations and interests; yet MOOCs are often run and judged on the assumption that learners would progress through the course in its entirety, to completion. This paper presents an analysis of three recently delivered MOOCs that were designed to support a broader set of learner goals. A modular design was used, where each part included well defined learning outcomes and assessment criteria, and where completion was rewarded with digital badges. The paper proposes a new categorisation of learner achievement and methods of visualising learner behaviour that compliment this more open design. Results show that this approach recognises micro-learning that is missed if only completion rates are considered. %Z J Comput High Educ %8 11/2016 %@ 1867-1233 %* yes %> http://www.oerknowledgecloud.org/archive/art%3A10.1007%2Fs12528-016-9129-6.pdf