%0 Report %C Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, North America %D 2010 %I AUCC %K policy %K paper copies %K licensing %K fair dealing %K electronic copies %K Copyright Act %K copying guidelines %P 1-15 %T AUCC fair dealing policy %U https://www.scribd.com/document/45806217/Fair-Dealing-Policy-With-Intro-December-22-2010 %X The fair dealing policy outlines the copying of published works that can be made in print or electronic format by a university through its staff and faculty members under the exception for fair dealing in sections 29 to 29.2 of the Copyright Act, without seeking permission of the copyright owner. The policy does not apply to audio or video recordings. %8 12/2010 %> http://www.oerknowledgecloud.org/archive/AUCC-Fair-dealing-policy-March-2011.pdf