%0 Journal Article %A Guler, Can %C Eskişehir, Turkey %D 2016 %J Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education %P 219-224 %T Review: Open educational resources: Policy, costs and transformation %U http://tojde.anadolu.edu.tr/makale_goster.php?id=1473 %V 17 %X This book presents 15 case studies contributed by researchers and policy makers. The Open Educational Resources (OER) implementations are expressed through different point of views. This book focused on three themes: policy, costs and transformation. Policy theme is related to the establishment of priorities for supporting the decisions made by an institution or organization. Costs theme explores the funding of OER, particularly in the sense of cost effectiveness. Transformation theme provides examples that demonstrate how OER can be used in ways that go beyond replication of current teaching and learning models. The editors in the Introduction elaborately describe these three themes. %8 10/2016 %9 Book review %@ 1302-6488 %* does not apply %> http://www.oerknowledgecloud.org/archive/1473-published.pdf