%0 Report %C Maastricht, Netherlands, Europe %D 2015 %I EADTU %K benefits of MOOCs %K benefits of open education %K force field analysis %K MOOC benchmarks %K MOOC support %K Norway %K SWOT analysis %K The Netherlands %P 1-25 %T Output 10 SCORE2020: SWOT analysis / benchmarking regional support centres %U http://score2020.eadtu.eu/images/Results/Final_outputs/O10-SWOT_analysis_-_benchmarking_regional_support_centres.pdf %X The SCORE2020 project focused on (regional) support structures in the development and delivery of Open Education and especially of MOOCs. In total, thirteen intellectual outputs are available. http://score2020.eadtu.eu/results Introduction This output provides a reflection of many discussions between SCORE2020 partners on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to set up regional support structures. The outcome of these discussions are described in this document starting with an overall force field analyse as part of the ROMA technique used. In addition various basic SWOT analysis of each region of SCORE2020 partnership are shortly presented. %8 03/2015 %* does not apply %> http://www.oerknowledgecloud.org/archive/O10-SWOT_analysis_-_benchmarking_regional_support_centres.pdf