%0 Report %A Hayman, Jenni %C Canada, North America %D 2018 %I eCampusOntario %K attitude toward OER %K OER awareness %K OER research %K OER survey %K Ontario %K post secondary education %P 1-28 %T Awareness and use of open educational resources (OER) in Ontario: A preliminary study of post-secondary educator perspectives %U https://www.ecampusontario.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/eCampusOntario_September2018_ResearchReport.pdf %X The survey, Awareness and Use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in Ontario, was conducted in spring 2018. A total of 383 educators provided responses to a 15-item online survey instrument designed to gather information about their teaching practice related to course resource selection. The survey was offered in English and French. %8 09/2018 %* yes %> http://www.oerknowledgecloud.org/archive/eCampusOntario_September2018_ResearchReport.pdf