%0 Report %C Denver, CO, United States, North America %D 2019 %K OER %K higher education %K open textbooks %K cost savings %K institutional policy %P 1-52 %T Colorado rises: Transforming education practices through Open Educational Resources %U https://highered.colorado.gov/Publications/Reports/Legislative/OER/OER_Report_2019_Final.pdf %X Key Findings Over the past year, CDHE and the OER Council have established a community of learning, practice and innovation. Key findings suggest a meaningful current impact and promising future. Most significantly: 1 Current performance measures indicate a striking return on the State’s initial investment. In addition to a projected $3.4 million in student savings from $550,000 in grant funding—a nearly seven-fold return on investment—awareness and enthusiasm have increased through capacity-building. 2 National trends and local data suggest OER supports student learning outcomes while lowering costs for students. The majority of students and faculty who have used both OER and traditional textbooks believe OER are of equal or higher quality, making it increasingly challenging to justify the high price of commercial textbooks. 3 Building capacity and funding creates a statewide ecosystem for successful OER adoption. Fortunately, in Colorado both funding and support for OER implementation have been coordinated through the work of the OER Council and CDHE, providing the best opportunity for the broadest impact. %8 10/2019 %* does not apply %> http://www.oerknowledgecloud.org/archive/OER_Report_2019_Final.pdf