%0 Report %C Hamburg, Germany %D 2012 %G eng %I UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning %P 1-13 %T UNESCO guidelines for the recognition, validation and accreditation of the outcomes of non-formal and informal learning %U http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0021/002163/216360e.pdf %X The overall aim of these Guidelines is to propose principles and mechanisms that can assist Member States in developing or improving structures and procedures to recognise the outcomes of all forms of learning, particularly those of non-formal and informal learning. UNESCO GUIDELINES for the Recognition, Validation and Accreditation of the Outcomes of Non-formal and Informal Learning More specifically, the purposes are: • to advocate for the importance of recognising the value of non-formal and informal learning; • to develop a common understanding of RVA and outline the major considerations in developing a national RVA system; • to assist Member States in developing tools, standards and mechanisms to identify, document, validate and recognise the learning outcomes of non-formal and informal learning; and • to create an international platform to facilitate and ensure continuous dialogue on RVA among Member States %> http://www.oerknowledgecloud.org/archive/UNESCOGuidelines forAssessment.pdf