%0 Report %C United States %D 2013 %G en %I The National Bureau of Asian Research %K IP theft solutions %K intellectual property theft %K cybercrime %K copyright infringement %K China %P 1-100 %T The IP Commission Report: The report of the commission on the theft of American intellectual property %U http://ipcommission.org/report/IP_Commission_Report_052213.pdf %X Executive Summary The Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property is an independent and bipartisan initiative of leading Americans from the private sector, public service in national security and foreign affairs, academe, and politics. The members are: • Dennis C. Blair (co-chair), former Director of National Intelligence and Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific Command • Jon M. Huntsman, Jr. (co-chair), former Ambassador to China, Governor of the state of Utah, and Deputy U.S. Trade Representative • Craig R. Barrett, former Chairman and CEO of Intel Corporation • Slade Gorton, former U.S. Senator from the state of Washington, Washington Attorney General, and member of the 9-11 Commission • William J. Lynn III, CEO of DRS Technologies and former Deputy Secretary of Defense • Deborah Wince-Smith, President and CEO of the Council on Competitiveness • Michael K. Young, President of the University of Washington and former Deputy Under Secretary of State The three purposes of the Commission are to: 1. Document and assess the causes, scale, and other major dimensions of international intellectual property theft as they affect the United States 2. Document and assess the role of China in international intellectual property theft 3. Propose appropriate U.S. policy responses that would mitigate ongoing and future damage and obtain greater enforcement of intellectual property rights by China and other infringers %Z The IP commission report %8 05/2013 %* does not apply %> http://www.oerknowledgecloud.org/archive/IP_Commission_Report_052213.pdf