OER Knowledge CloudJournal ArticleChallenging assumptions: Mobile Learning for Mathematics Project in South AfricaChallenging assumptions: Mobile Learning for Mathematics Project in South Africa20112011/08Roberts, NickyVänskä, Riittasocial networkingsecondary schoolmobile learningmathematics educationaccessSouth AfricaenDistance EducationRoutledge, Taylor & Francis Online322243 - 2591475-0198This article introduces the Nokia Mobile Learning for Mathematics Project in South Africa, which made use of mobile technology to support mathematics learning at 30 public secondary schools. It draws on the evaluation of this project from January to June 2010. The article discusses learner access to mobile devices, learner and teacher uptake and use of the service, the relationship between learner and teacher use, and the impact on learner results in mathematics. The article outlines the assumptions made by project participants about the uptake and use of such a service, which were not substantiated by the evaluation findings.yes10.1080/01587919.2011.584850South Africa, Africa