@techreport { title = {European and worldwide MOOC projects}, year = {2015}, month = {11/2015}, author = {de Vries, Fred}, editor = {Baas, Marjon and van Hees, Janina and Jacobi, Ria and Schuwer, Robert and Ouwehand, Martijn and de Vries, Fred and van der Woert, Nicolai}, keywords = {OpenEDU, OER Worldmap, MOOCs4all, MOOCKnowledge, HOME Higher Education Online, EMMA}, country = {Netherlands}, publisher = {SURFnet}, pages = {53}, abstract = {Since the rise of MOOCs, grateful use has been made of national and European programmes for purposes such as elaborating educational concepts and evaluating the use and influence of MOOCs. A huge number of projects and initiatives have already been launched in Europe alone.}, refereed = {yes}, url = {https://www.surf.nl/binaries/content/assets/surf/en/knowledgebase/2015/trend-report-open-and-online-education-2015.pdf}, attachments = {de Vries_0.pdf}, }