@article { title = {Why are universities fighting Open Education? A tired argument over software patents is holding up common-sense reforms}, year = {2016}, month = {01/2016}, author = {Harmon, Elliot}, keywords = {software patents, Software Freedom Conservancy, patents, open licensing, open access, innovation, educational policy, Creative Commons}, publisher = {Electronic Frontier Foundation}, volume = {2016}, abstract = {When you dig a bit deeper, it looks like universities’ opposition to open licensing has nothing to do with students’ access to educational resources. What’s really playing out is a longstanding fight over how universities use patents—more specifically, software patents. Open education just happens to be caught in the crossfire.}, refereed = {does not apply}, url = {https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2016/01/why-are-universities-fighting-open-education}, }