@techreport { title = {The state of e-learning in Canadian Universities, 2011: If students are digital natives, why don’t they like e-learning?}, year = {2011}, month = {09/2011}, author = {Kaznowska, Edyta and Rogers, Jason and Usher, Alex}, keywords = {e-resource availability, e-learning, survey, higher learning, e-textbooks}, country = {Canada}, language = {eng}, publisher = {Toronto: Higher Education Strategy Associates}, abstract = {This Intelligence Brief from Higher Education Strategy Associates is based on a survey of Canadian students to determine their views on e-learning. Among many interesting findings, the brief reports that students in e-resource-intensive classes are overwhelmingly likely to say that courses that are conducted entirely without e-learning resources are superior to blended courses in terms of quality of instructors and quality of overall education.}, url = {http://higheredstrategy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/InsightBrief42.pdf}, }