@techreport { title = {Authorship and use of OER as academic practice for research}, year = {2012}, month = {/2012}, author = {Highton, Melissa}, keywords = {research project, OER policy, OER creation, case study}, country = {United Kingdom}, language = {en}, publisher = {SCORE Fellowship}, pages = {1-10}, abstract = {Melissa’s project ran from 20th September 2010 until the 18th September 2011, the aim of the project was to examine policy and practice for OER creation in the context of research led institutions: http://www8.open.ac.uk/score/fellows/melissa-highton}, url = {http://www8.open.ac.uk/score/authorship-and-use-oer-academic-practice-research-0}, attachments = {Melissa Highton SCORE Fellowship Final Report - Web Version.pdf}, }