@proceedings { title = {Produsage: Towards a broader framework for user-led content creation}, year = {2007}, month = {06/2007}, author = {Bruns, Axel}, keywords = {web 2.0, user-led, social software, produser, Produsage, information age, creativity, content, collaboration}, pages = {1-7}, abstract = {This paper outlines the concept of produsage as a model of describing today’s emerging user-led content creation environments. Produsage overcomes some of the systemic problems associated with translating industrial-age ideas of content production into an informational-age, social software, Web 2.0 environment. Instead, it offers new ways of understanding the collaborative content creation and development practices found in contemporary informational environments.}, refereed = {yes}, url = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=}, }