%0 Generic %A Naidoo, Vis %C Burnaby, British Columbia, Bangladesh, Asia %D 2014 %I Commonwealth of Learning (COL) %K educational technology %K higher education %K learning for development %K MOOC implementation %K MOOC models %K OER %T Drivers for change in higher education %U http://hdl.handle.net/11599/673 %X Video presentation delivered at the ICT Leadership in Higher Education Workshop (11–12 December 2014) held in Dhaka, Bangladesh by Mr. Vis Naidoo, Vice President, Commonwealth of Learning. The presentation focuses on the key technology developments globally and their implications for both the institution and student. The presentation will note developments in massive open online courses (MOOCs), open education resources (OER), increased access to devices and other technology applications and will identify emerging trends for institutions and students.Duration: 13:29 https://youtu.be/gnWCn-gY5L8 %8 12/2014 %* does not apply %> https://www.oerknowledgecloud.org/archive/Drivers-Change-Higher-Education-Transcript.pdf