%0 Journal Article %A Wenk, B. %D 2010 %G eng %J Education Engineering EDUCON 2010 IEEE %K technological innovation %K copyright %K case study %K respository %P 435–442 %T Open educational resources (OER) inspire teaching and learning %U http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=5492545&ticket=ST-453702-4LOBEDTvfiJepjVuTPT0-cas %X Open educational resources (OER) can significantly reduce the time required to prepare lectures. The prerequisites are that a desired resource can be found quickly and that its adequacy for the intended purpose can be estimated easily. Eventually, the resource should also be suitable for modification. In the first part we outline the requirements for the sourcing, storing, retrieval and exchange of open educational resources considering technical and legal aspects. In the second part we present a case study focusing on the user level perspective. We describe the searching for a particular OER (an online Moodle tutorial), the analysis of the resource found, its modification and the publishing of the modified resource on a repository. %8 06/2010 %@ 9781424465682