OER Knowledge CloudJournal ArticlePreparing faculty for teaching a MOOC: Recommendations from research and experiencePreparing faculty for teaching a MOOC: Recommendations from research and experience20142014/10Richter, Stephanie L.Krishnamurthi, MuraliMOOCinstructional designfaculty developmentInternational Journal of Information and Education Technology45411 - 41520103689Due to the increasing popularity of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) more faculty and institutions are exploring MOOCs. Faculty often seek help from campus units such as Faculty Development centers to handle the complexity of factors involved in planning, designing, developing and delivering MOOCs. As a result, Faculty Development centers should be ready to prepare faculty for teaching a MOOC. In this paper, a number of recommendations, based on research and experience, for faculty development staff to follow in helping faculty plan and design a MOOC, and organizational issues to consider are summarized.yes10.7763/IJIET.2014.V4.440http://www.ijiet.org/show-48-490-1.htmlhttp://www.ijiet.org/show-48-490-1.html