OER Knowledge CloudReportMOOC strategies of higher education institutions in Lithuania: Status report based on a mapping survey conducted in November 2016 – February 2017MOOC strategies of higher education institutions in Lithuania: Status report based on a mapping survey conducted in November 2016 – February 2017Rutkauskiene, DanguoleJansen, DarcoUkvalbergiene, KristinaGudoniene, DainaBartkute, RedaIntroduction (partial) Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have been a driving power for higher education for more than a decade. During this time, massive open online courses became one of the alternative models to provide education. In the meaning of openness, massive open online courses has flipped up the understanding of the delivery of quality education. The worldwide trends of MOOCs show that MOOCs evolved quickly. In the past few years, MOOCs has changed its’ concept (MOOCs are no longer massive) (Shah, 2016), expended functionality and involved more difficult tools for learning and students’ management (Learning Analytics). Although, the providers of MOOCs face more problems than ever before: cohorting of students, Interactives, Student Engagement and persistence, progressive personal Profile, Personalization, User Experience, Credentialing (Forbes, 2017) and many more. However, these challenges does not prevent new players from entering to MOOCs market. Lithuania has joint the worldwide MOOCs initiatives in 2013 by providing the first MOOC titled “Project Management”. One year later, in 2014, the MOOC titled “Information Technologies” was offered to learners. It was the first MOOC provided in the national language. These two MOOCs have boosted an attention to MOOCs in Lithuania, more higher education institutions were interested in providing MOOCs by themselves. However, Kaunas University of Technology still keeps the leading position in this area and initiates most of MOOCs in the market.20182018/03EADTU1-27Lithuaniahttp://eadtu.eu/documents/Publications/OEenM/MOOC_Strategies_of_HEIs_in_Lithuania.pdf978-90-79730-30-8does not applyhigher educationinstitutional objectivesmature MOOCMOOC uptakeopen educationopportunities and barriers to MOOCMOOC_Strategies_of_HEIs_in_Lithuania.pdfhttp://eadtu.eu/documents/Publications/OEenM/MOOC_Strategies_of_HEIs_in_Lithuania.pdfHeerlen, Netherlands, Lithuania, Europe