OER Knowledge CloudReportOutput 6 SCORE2020 : Train-the-trainer mOOC (micro open online course)Output 6 SCORE2020 : Train-the-trainer mOOC (micro open online course)SCORE2020The SCORE2020 project focused on (regional) support structures in the development and delivery of Open Education and especially of MOOCs. In total, thirteen intellectual outputs are available. http://score2020.eadtu.eu/results Introduction SCORE2020 trained the staff of the partners involved to apply the different training and awareness materials, the instructional design models, the business models shared and developed during the project. To this end two intensive training events were organised by SCORE2020 project. These training events were set up as a train-the-trainer principle. In order to re-use the materials and design of the training events they were designed to be scalable. I.e. to increase the impact both in number and to target groups outside SCORE2020 partnership, the presentations of each training session were recorded. These recordings and the introduction and support materials are made available as a basis (elements of) of mOOC (micro Open Online Course). Basic aim of such a mini course (mOOC) is that these course elements can used by the staff partner institutions, and regional support center in order to develop similar courses in their region tailored to their specific local needs. The main focus was on the instructional design models (O5) incorporating various training materials (O2) but other relevant topics were addressed as well.20172017/02EADTU1-14Netherlandshttp://score2020.eadtu.eu/images/Results/Final_outputs/O6-Train-the-trainer_mOOC_micro_open_online_course.pdfdoes not applygovernment policyhigher educationinstructional designMOOC business modelMOOC researchMOOC uptakeSCORE2020O6-Train-the-trainer_mOOC_micro_open_online_course.pdfhttp://score2020.eadtu.eu/images/Results/Final_outputs/O6-Train-the-trainer_mOOC_micro_open_online_course.pdfMaastricht, Netherlands, Europe