OER Knowledge CloudConference PaperOER recommender: linking nsdl pathways and opencourseware repositoriesOER recommender: linking nsdl pathways and opencourseware repositories2008Duffin, JoelMuramatsu, BrandonLarsen, RonaldPaepcke, AndreasBorbinha, JoséNaaman, MorrepositoryWorld Wide WebOpenCourseWareOER projectsUnited Stateseng9781595939982The OER Recommender (www.oerrecommender.org) is a web service that helps people find relevant open educational resources. It links the digital learning resources in the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) disciplinary pathways with courses in OpenCourseWare repositories thereby providing critical contextual information. When a person browses a web page in a participating NSDL Pathway or OpenCourseWare repository, the recommender annotates the page with a "Recommended resources" link. The poster will describe the motivations for the project, provide detail on the recommendation engine, display recommendations for participating collections, and describe how other collections can participate in the project.10.1145/1378889.1378994http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=1378889.1378994http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=1378889.1378994Pittsburgh PA, United States