OER Knowledge CloudReportTrend report: Open Educational Resources 2012Trend report: Open Educational Resources 201220122012/03Jacobi, Riavan der Woert, NicolaiArnoldus, MartijnBijsterveld, CoraCounotte, AndaDidderen, WimDopper, SofiaJanssen, BenJelgerhuis, HesterKuipers, EllenMulder, FredOuwehand, MartijnRubens, WilfredSchuwer, Robertvan Valkenburg, WillemVerjans, StevenJacobi, Riavan der Woert, NicolaiWikiEducatorOpenCourseWareOPALOER CommonsMOOCcopyrightCOLNetherlandsengSpecial Interest Group Open Educational Resources1-81This report describes the trends in the Netherlands and elsewhere in the field of Open Educational Resources. It comprises twelve articles by Dutch experts in the field of OER in higher education. It also contains twelve “Intermezzos” giving interesting examples. The report is published by the Special Interest Group Open Educational Resources (SIG OER), a partnership made up of representatives of the Dutch higher education sector and SURF. The SIG OER promotes and facilitates the creation of communities, knowledge generation and sharing, collaboration, and strategic planning regarding Open Educational Resources in higher education in the Netherlands. The SIG is made up of experts and other interested parties in the sector who collaborate to increase the understanding and use of Open Educational Resources.http://www.surf.nl/nl/themas/innovatieinonderwijs/oer/Documents/trendrapport%20OER%202012_10042012%20%28ENGELS%20LR%29.pdfhttp://www.surf.nl/nl/themas/innovatieinonderwijs/oer/Documents/trendrapport%20OER%202012_10042012%20%28ENGELS%20LR%29.pdfNetherlands, Europe