OER Knowledge CloudConference PaperAn architectural model for virtual environments using multicultural learning objectsAn architectural model for virtual environments using multicultural learning objects20112011/04Arteaga, Jaime MuñozSalas, Pedro CardonaGuerrero, JosefinaVanderdonckt, JeanSantaolaya, Renémulticultural OER designmulticultural learning objectsinstructional designenA large diversity of learning environments allows users access the repositories to design and develop academic content in online courses. Nowadays a large number of universities are producing their courses in terms of learning objects and saving these objects in their own repositories. Learning objects are considered as educational resources that can be employed in technology support learning. They are a digital pieces of knowledge to put together in order to form courses on line. “Whenever you create an academic content, you put a bit of yourself into the content. This part is often a representation of your own culture ..“ “.. We prefer to say that culture is in whatever you create. It is in there. The important question is what do you do with it.…. [Amiel and Orey].yeshttp://educacaoaberta.org/rea/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/jaime.pdfhttp://educacaoaberta.org/rea/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/jaime.pdfjaime.pdfLogan, Utah