OER Knowledge CloudPresentationOpportunities in online education -Staying ahead of the curve: The case of the MOOCOpportunities in online education -Staying ahead of the curve: The case of the MOOC20132013/01Wood, Michael T.online learningMOOChigher educationenCouncil of Independent Colleges Presidents’ Institute1-10I propose to share with you today some personal thoughts about MOOCs. I claim no particular expertise or corner of the market. However, I have taught extensively in the classroom, online, and in the corporate boardroom. And, as a recent target of no fewer than six takeover or strategic-partner inquiries from the for-profit sector, I have beenrather attentive to the literature and news related to the future of, principally, online education for the masses. I will touch on the what and whys of MOOCs; the forms that modern online education is taking; the potential good and bad of MOOC models; and some opportunities and challenges for us as CIC presidents in moving with or ahead of the curve.http://www.cic.org/News-and-Publications/Multimedia-Library/CICConferencePresentations/2013%20Presidents%20Institute/Concurrent%20Sessions/Recent%20Developments%20in%20Online%20Education_%20Wood%20Handout.pdfhttp://www.cic.org/News-and-Publications/Multimedia-Library/CICConferencePresentations/2013%20Presidents%20Institute/Concurrent%20Sessions/Recent%20Developments%20in%20Online%20Education_%20Wood%20Handout.pdf