OER Knowledge CloudJournal ArticleScenarios for the use of OpenCourseWare in the context of student mobilityScenarios for the use of OpenCourseWare in the context of student mobility20142014/04Verbeken, StephanieTruyen, FrederikVirtual Student MobilityStudent MobilityOpenCourseWareopen educationLifelong LearningOpen Praxis2014 OCWC Global Conference Selected Papers62135-1442304-070XIn the context of a European OpenCourseWare project, funded by the EU Lifelong Learning Program, a handbook has been created with the purpose of showing how students and universities throughout Europe can get the most out of OpenCourseWare in order to become part of new learning communities and facilitate virtual exchange across borders. The main part of the handbook is the presentation of the Student Mobility Cycle that has been developed within the project and that defines five phases in the process of a student participating in Student Mobility. This article describes the five phases, each consisting of one or more scenarios that show the added value of OpenCourseWare in that particular phase.yes10.5944/openpraxis.6.2.110http://www.openpraxis.org/index.php/OpenPraxis/article/view/110http://www.openpraxis.org/index.php/OpenPraxis/article/view/110110-538-2-PB.pdfEurope