OER Knowledge CloudJournal ArticleTen years later: Why Open Educational Resources have not noticeably affected higher education, and why we should careTen years later: Why Open Educational Resources have not noticeably affected higher education, and why we should care20132013/02Kortemeyer, Gerdopen textbooksOER costsOER CMSMOOCEDUCAUSEEDUCAUSEreview onlineKey Takeaways * Open educational resources made a dramatic appearance with the 2002 debut of MIT's Open Courseware initiative. * In the roughly 10 years since, OERs have not noticeably disrupted the traditional business model of higher education or affected daily teaching approaches at most institutions. * Four major hurdles seem the likeliest hindrances to adoption of OERs: discoverability, quality control, bridging the last mile, and acquisition. * OERs could unify and advance the essentially disconnected developments in digital textbooks and MOOCs by establishing a global enterprise learning content management system.does not applyhttp://www.educause.edu/ero/article/ten-years-later-why-open-educational-resources-have-not-noticeably-affected-higher-education-and-why-we-should-cahttp://www.educause.edu/ero/article/ten-years-later-why-open-educational-resources-have-not-noticeably-affected-higher-education-and-why-we-should-ca