OER Knowledge CloudReportFinal report on the MIRA project: OER global map prototypeCreating a map for OER initiatives in Latin AmericaFinal report on the MIRA project: OER global map prototypeFinal report on the MIRA project: OER global map prototype20142014/12Amiel, TelOchoac, XavierSoares, TiagoREAopen dataOERmetadatamappingVenezuelaVenezuelaVenezuelaVenezuelaVenezuelaVenezuelaVenezuelaVenezuelaVenezuelaVenezuelaVenezuelaVenezuelaVenezuelaVenezuelaVenezuelaVenezuelaVenezuelaVenezuelaVenezuelaVenezuelaVenezuelaVenezuelaVenezuelaVenezuelamira Mapa de Iniciativas de Recursos Abertos1-5In this article we discuss the creation of a federated mapping system focused on OER for basic education in Latin America. We present the rationale and implications of the project, software development, and focus on detailing the creation of a metadata scheme used to categorize OER-related initiatives.yeshttp://mira.org.br/sobre-o-projeto/?lang=enhttp://mira.org.br/sobre-o-projeto/?lang=enCreating a map for OER.pdfVenezuela, Uruguay, Suriname, Peru, Paraguay, Panama, Nicaragua, Mexico, Jamaica, Honduras, Haiti, Guyana, Guatemala, El Salvador, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Costa Rica, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, Belize, Argentina, South America