OER Knowledge CloudConference PaperOER in Portugal as agent of curriculum innovation and technological change. Inducing practices of "new" teaching standardsOER in Portugal as agent of curriculum innovation and technological change. Inducing practices of "new" teaching standards20102010/09de Matos Pereira, Paulo Manueltechnological innovationresearchPortuguese schoolsnon-English OERcurriculumK-12PortugalengThis research project aimed the following goal: promote the creation, use and disclosure of OER in a Group of Schools, involving schools and teachers from different learning levels, expecting to test and validate the use of OER, in a learning-teaching model towards curricular innovation. Defining as a starting point different subjects and teachers from distinct academic areas, we have implemented a set of activities leading to the creation of OER supported, when possible, in FLOSS tools. We adopted an action research methodology with a dual purpose: to act within a community of teachers and students, while increasing at the same time their knowledge, as well as the researcher's. The activity was developed cooperatively in order to process a certain reality of the teaching-learning process, through practical/reflective action towards it and inducing its implementation by others in the Portuguese School System, based on the production and sharing OER.http://openaccess.uoc.edu/webapps/o2/bitstream/10609/4990/6/Pereira_editat.pdfhttp://openaccess.uoc.edu/webapps/o2/bitstream/10609/4990/6/Pereira_editat.pdfPereira_editat.pdfBarcelona, Portugal, Europe