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MOOCs in Europe: Overview of papers representing a collective European response on MOOCs as presented during the HOME conference in Rome November 2015
Bang, Joergen · Dalsgaard, Christian · Kjaer, Arne · O’Donovan, Maria · Jakobsdóttir, Sólveig · Limone, Pierpaolo · Brown, Mark · Costello, Eamon · Donlon, Enda · Giolla-Mhichil1, Mairead · Kirwan, Colette · Kovanović, Vitomir · Gašević, Dragan · Joksimović, Srećko · Siemens, George · Hatala, Marek · Cadima, Rita · Esperança, Cláudio · Rodrigues, Vitor · Francisco, Manuela · Rodrigues, Carina · Rosa, Rosanna De · Kerr, Ruth · Hallissy, Michael · Henrick, Gavin · de Raadt, Michael · Kusper, Gábor · Havasi, Gábor · Király, Sándor · Kocsis-Baán, Mária · Nehéz, Károly · Hornyák, Olivér · Mileff, Péter · Lee, Taerim · Lee, Dongkook · Tsironis, A. · Xenos, M. · Marchewka, D. · Urbaniec, J. · Aydin, Cengiz Hakan · Henderikx, Piet · Kalman, Yoram M. · van Valkenburg, Willem · Wodecki, Andrzej · Caforio, Alessandro · Huion, Patricia · Mystakidis, Stylianos · Herodotou, Christothea · Rutkauskiene, Danguole · Gudoniene, Daina · Butkeviciene, Egle · Schroevers, Sander · Seubring-Vierveyzer, Hans · Stoyanov, Slavi · de Vries, Fred · Vriens, Mariet · Andone, Diana · Brasher, Andrew · Weller, M. · McAndrew, Patrick · Palomo, Rubén Sebastián Gómez · Cuadrado, Ana María Martín · y Lourdes, Natividad Duro · Sánchez, Pérez · Lehto, Teija · ÖZKUL, Ali Ekrem

PublishedJune 2016
SeriesPapers ‘WOW! Europe embraces MOOCS’
Pages 1-220
EditorsJansen, Darco and Konings, Lizzie

Table of contents

Part 1: Regional MOOC initiatives
Building OOC layers on top of existing courses
(M)OOCs in Iceland: Language and learning communities
EduOpen network in Italy

Part 2: Role media exposure on MOOC development
Story of MOOCs in the Irish Media: Hold the Front Page
MOOCs in the News: A European Perspective

Part 3: Supporting the selection of MOOC platforms
Driving moocs through society: the UP2U platform
Out of the Fishbowl: Toward the Uberization of Teaching
Feasibility of creating a collaborative MOOC for Ireland: Opportunities and Challenges
The potential for using Moodle to deliver the content, facilitation, assessment and reporting of a MOOC
Introducing MeMOOC and Recent Results in e-Learning at University of Miskolc
KMOOC for Knowledge Sharing of ODL
The implementation of MeaeX the Greek MOOC platform from Hellenic Open University
MOOCs, OER, Moodle - scaling tests of Moodle software

Part 4: Business models European MOOCs
Can MOOCs be a beginning not a fad in HE
Governmental business models for MOOCs
Innovating with MOOCs: Five Mistakes, and One More
Is there a sustainable business model for TU Delft Extension School?
MOOCs as one of catalysers of big changes in HE systems

Part 5: Pedagogical approaches in European MOOCs
Opening up education - some pedagogical considerations
UNINETTUNO and the MOOCs, Origins, results and new perspectives
MOOC as Transmedia Storytelling
OpenQuest: Designing a Motivational Framework for MOOCs Instruction
The Research Results on Pedagogical Approach in MOOCs: Lithuanian Case
A summer-day's MOOC
MOOCs pedagogical and didactical approaches
How We Use Video in KU Leuven MOOCs
Papers ‘WOW! Europe embraces MOOCS’ EADTU 2016

Part 6: Shared services in European MOOC context
Methods and Models of MOOCs Integration in Traditional Higher Education
How to design for persistence and retention in MOOCs?
Shared Educational Services for the development MOOCs, a proposal for a European collaboration
Shared European Educational Services from the Perspective of Finland
Shared Services for MOOC Offerings: A Vision for Turkey

Keywords Apache · assessment · autograders · behaviorism · business model · cMOOC · cognivitist approach · communication · communities of practice · design · discourse analysis · distance education · e-learning · educational services · facilitation · flipped classroom · gamification · governmental policy · Greek MOOC platform · group concept mapping · Hellenic Open University · higher education · home project · ICT · independent learners · informatics · innovation in higher education · institutional policy · Ireland · KMOOC · language · learning communities · meaeX · media · MOOC · MOOC public discourse · MOOCs disadvantages · MOOCs in Europe · Moodle · national MOOC development · newspapers · Nginx · online training · ooc · Open edX · open source · opening up education · patterns · persistence · programming · quality assurance · representation · retention · short-term international experience · social learning · STIE · students' expectations analysis · summer school · teacher role · topic modeling · transmedia storytelling · Uberization · video pedagogy

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What public media reveals about MOOCs: A systematic analysis of news reports
Kovanović, Vitomir; Joksimović, Srećko; Gašević, Dragan; Siemens, George; Hatala, Marek
One of the striking differences between massive open online courses (MOOCs) and previous innovations in the education technology field is the unprecedented interest and involvement of the general public. As MOOCs ...
Match: Kovanović, Vitomir; Gašević, Dragan; Joksimović, Srećko; Siemens, George; Hatala, Marek

Position papers for European cooperation on MOOCs
Cooperman, Larry; Dillenbourg, Pierre; van Valkenburg, Willem; Kos, Timo; et al.
An overview of position papers on the opportunities and characteristics for European cooperation as presented during the HOME conference in Porto November 2014 Based on an open call for position papers19 experts ...
Match: Brown, Mark; Costello, Eamon; van Valkenburg, Willem; Mystakidis, Stylianos; higher education; MOOC

Opportunities and threats of the MOOC movement for higher education: The European perspective
Schuwer, Robert; Jaurena, Ines Gil; Aydin, Cengiz Hakan; Costello, Eamon; et al.
The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) movement is the latest ‘big thing’ in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) which threatens to transform Higher Education. Both opportunities and threats are extensively discussed in ...
Match: Dalsgaard, Christian; Brown, Mark; Costello, Eamon; Aydin, Cengiz Hakan; MOOC

The development of MOOCs: Irish country report
Costello, Eamon; Brown, Mark; HOME Project; European Association for Distance Teaching Universities
This paper summarises the Irish response to the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) movement through integrating a number of data sources, including the findings from a recent institutional survey. In reflecting on the ...
Match: Brown, Mark; Costello, Eamon; Ireland; MOOC

A strategic response to MOOCs: How one European university is approaching the challenge
Brown, Mark; Costello, Eamon; Donlon, Enda; Giolla-Mhichil, Mairead Nic; et al.
This paper briefly outlines some of the macro level claims, counter-claims and unresolved debates surrounding the rapid growth of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in Higher Education. It then reports insights, ...
Match: Brown, Mark; Costello, Eamon; Donlon, Enda; higher education

Trend report: Open Educational Resources 2013
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The Trend Report: Open Educational Resources 2013 describes trends in open educational resources (OER) and open education in the Netherlands and elsewhere, from the perspective of Dutch higher education. It comprises ...
Match: van Valkenburg, Willem; de Vries, Fred; higher education; MOOC; Netherlands

Social media #MOOC mentions: Lessons for MOOC research from analysis of Twitter data
Costello, Eamon; Nair, Binesh; Brown, Mark; Zhang, Jingjing; et al.
There is a relative dearth of research into what is being said about MOOCs by users in social media, particularly through analysis of large datasets. In this paper we contribute to addressing this gap through an ...
Match: Brown, Mark; Costello, Eamon; Donlon, Enda

Social presence in Massive Open Online Courses
Poquet, Oleksandra; Kovanović, Vitomir; de Vries, Pieter; Hennis, Thieme; et al.
The capacity to foster interpersonal interactions in massive open online courses (MOOCs) has frequently been contested, particularly when learner interactions are limited to MOOC forums. The establishment of social ...
Match: Kovanović, Vitomir; Gašević, Dragan; Joksimović, Srećko

'A good start is half the work': Developing a MOOC to aid flexible learner transition into Higher Education
Brunton, James; Brown, Mark; Costello, Eamon; Farrell, Orna; et al.
Overview of papers on enhancement of European Higher Education as presented during the Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference in Rome, October 2016 This paper reports on a five week pre-induction ...
Match: Brown, Mark; Costello, Eamon; Ireland; retention

Comparing institutional MOOC strategies 2015 country report - Israel: Status report based on a mapping survey conducted in October - December 2015
Kalman, Yoram M.; Jansen, Darco; Goes-Daniels, Miriam; European Association for Distance Teaching Universities; HOME Project
Executive Summary This report details the responses of seven Israeli higher education institutions (HEIs) to survey questions about their MOOC offerings, and compares them to other European HEIs. The surveys show that ...
Match: Kalman, Yoram M.; higher education; MOOC