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A supply sided analysis of leading MOOC platforms and universities
Peters, Georg and Seruga, Jan

Type of workSpecial Issue on “Models, technologies and approaches toward widening the open access to learning and education”
JournalKnowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal
Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 158-181
PublisherHong Kong Bao Long Accounting & Secretarial Limited
CountryHong Kong

Investing in education is generally considered as a promising strategy to fight poverty and increase prosperity. This applies to all levels of an economy reaching from individuals to local communities and countries and has a global perspective as well. However, high-quality education is often costly and not available anytime anywhere. Therefore, any promising concept that might help to democratize education is worth pursuing, in a sense that it makes education accessible for everybody without any restrictions. The characteristics attributed to MOOC – Massive Open Online Courses are promising to contribute to this objective. Hence, our objective is to analyse MOOC as it currently operates. Obviously, there is a huge demand for free high-quality education anytime anywhere but a shortage on the supply side. So, we will concentrate on supply-sided effects and study MOOC platforms as well as content providers, particularly universities. We focus our research on some of the leading platforms and universities worldwide. Relative to their size Australia and the Netherlands are very active players in the MOOC sector. Germany is lagging behind and leading universities in the UK seem to virtually refrain from offering MOOC. Our research also shows the leading role of US universities and platform providers.

Keywords massive open online courses · MOOC content providers · MOOC platforms · supply sided analysis

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