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Investigating students’ use and adoption of with-video assignments: Lessons learnt for video-based open educational resources
Pappas, Ilias O. · Giannakos, Michail N. · Mikalef, Patrick

PublishedJanuary 2017
JournalJournal of Computing in Higher Education
Pages 1-18

The use of video-based open educational resources is widespread, and includes multiple approaches to implementation. In this paper, the term “with-video assignments” is introduced to portray video learning resources enhanced with assignments. The goal of this study is to examine the factors that influence students’ intention to adopt with-video assignments. Extending the technology acceptance model by incorporating students’ emotions, we applied partial least squares structural equation modeling based on a sample of 73 students who systematically experienced with-video assignments in their studies. In addition, students’ activity was analyzed using aggregated time series visualizations based on video analytics. Learning analytics indicate that students make varying use of with-video assignments, depending on when they access them. Students are more likely to watch a greater proportion of the video when they use with-video assignments during the semester, as opposed to during the exams. Further, the findings highlight the important role of students’ emotions in adopting with-video assignments. In addition, perceived usefulness of with-video assignments increases their positive emotions and intention to adopt this medium, while perceived ease of use increases only their intentions. Together, these constructs explain 68% of the variance in students’ intention to adopt with-video assignments.

Keywords open educational resource · students’ adoption · video-based learning · with-video assignments

Rights© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017
Other informationJ Comput High Educ
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