Democratising higher education through OER - What are the possibilities?
Published | June 2013 |
Type of work | transcript and slides |
Publisher | Commonwealth of Learning |
International Conference on Science and Technology for Economic Diversification, Trinidad & Tobago, 7 June 2013, Democratising Higher Education through OER: What are the Possibilities? by Professor Asha Kanwar, Commonwealth of Learning // Distinguished Colleagues, It is a pleasure and an honour to be here and I am very grateful to the President Maureen Manchouk and NIHERST for the opportunity. My topic today is ‘Democratising Higher Education through Open Education Resources: what are the possibilities? // I will first look at the context of higher education and some of the initiatives that have been taken to democratise education. I will then bring you some examples of how OER are being harnessed to increase access, improve quality and cut the costs of education. I will then reflect on the recent phenomenon of Massive Open Online Courses or MOOCs and consider whether these might democratise higher education. I will finally look at how the imaginative use of OER could help us address the challenges of higher education today and advance us towards democratising education.Keywords | access to education · Caribbean · higher education · Latin America · mobile learning · MOOC · OER |
Published at | Burnaby, British Columbia |
Refereed | Does not apply |
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Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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Democratising higher education through open education resources: From Commitment to Action
Kanwar, Asha
I will first look at the context of higher education and some of the initiatives that have been taken to democratise education. I will then bring you some examples of how OER are being harnessed to increase access, ...
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Mind to MOOC
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MESSAGE Open University of China & ICDE Seminar, Beijing, China, 21 October 2013 by Professor Asha Kanwar, Commonwealth of Learning // The Commonwealth of Learning is an intergovernmental organization which promotes ...
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To MOOC or not to MOOC: That is the question
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MOOCs for development: The COL experience
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Old wine in new bottles? Exploring MOOCs
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