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The ultimate guide to open educational resources: Everything you ever wanted to know about how to use, create and enhance learning with the next generation of educational content
Top Hat Staff [corporate]

Type of workHandbook
PeriodicalPages 1-24
PublisherTop Hat

Open Educational Resources (OER) are the future of educational content—professors want educational materials that are more engaging, more easily updated and adaptable to individual instructor’s needs and more affordable for students. Because OER is easily customizable and delivered directly to students’ mobile devices, it’s more than a replacement for textbooks—it’s an entirely new model for educational content creation and sharing. That’s why we’ve written The Ultimate Guide to OER.

The Ultimate Guide to OER explains why traditional educational content no longer meets the needs of today’s educators or students, and why professors need to embrace OER if they hope to increase student engagement and success rates.

This handbook will:

Explain why conventional educational content is no longer adequate

Discuss why professors need to embrace OER if they hope to increase student engagement and success rates

Demonstrate how administrators and faculty alike can benefit from adopting OER content

Outline strategies professors can use to find and incorporate OER into classrooms

Keywords customization · incorporating OER in the classroom · OER · OER content creation · OER creation · open textbooks

RefereedDoes not apply
Rights© 2017 Tophatmonocle Corp
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Open Educational Resources (OER) Opportunities for Ontario
Contact North
Openness is the breath of life for education and research. The growing movement to provide open educational resources (OER)* for post-secondary institutions is an exciting one that holds much promise for higher ...
Match: OER

Factors influencing open educational practices and OER in the Global South: Meta-synthesis of the ROER4D project
Hodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl; Arinto, Patricia; Cartmill, Tess; King, Thomas; et al.
This chapter provides a meta-synthesis of the findings from the Research on Open Educational Resources for Development (ROER4D) empirical studies based on the 13 sub-project chapters in this volume as well as other ...
Match: OER

Open universities in the Commonwealth: At a glance
Mishra, Sanjaya
In the absence of comparative data about open universities, the current impact of ODL institutions is not clear. To develop a database of open universities in the Commonwealth, COL initiated a survey. The present report ...
Match: OER

Repositories of open educational resources: An assessment of reuse and educational aspects
Santos-Hermosa, Gema; Ferran-Ferrer, Núria; Abadal, Ernest
This article provides an overview of the current state of repositories of open educational resources (ROER) in higher education at international level. It analyses a series of educational indicators to determine whether ...
Match: OER

Creating and sharing Open Educational Resources
Harmon, James; Kapeller, Doug; Mika, Joshua; Seng, Bill; et al.
This collection/course in Itunes U includes multi-touch books for the iOS/iTunesU platform, as well as reviews of apps for creating OER and discussions and tutorials regarding OER topics.
Match: OER

Teacher educators and OER in East Africa: Interrogating pedagogic change
Wolfenden, Freda; Auckloo, Pritee; Buckler, Alison; Cullen, Jane; et al.
This study examines the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in six teacher education institutions in three contrasting East African settings – Mauritius, Tanzania and Uganda – all of which had previous ...
Match: OER

Textbook savings add momentum to Oregon higher ed OER program
An initiative worked so well in the state's community colleges that Oregon plans to expand it to public universities.
Match: OER

Interaction equivalency in an OER, MOOCS and informal learning era
Miyazoe, Terumi; Anderson, Terry
This theoretical paper attempts to clarify design issues that the field of education has encountered in the context of OER (Open Educational Resources), Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and increased emphasis ...
Match: OER

Quality indicators within the use of open educational resources in higher education
E.Ossiannilsson; Creelman, A.; Mendez-Vilas, A.
A paradigm shift is emerging in higher education especially regarding how universities should address personalized and collaborative mobile learning. Experiences from three international benchmarking-projects through ...
Match: OER

La contribución del Proyecto EDIA a la Educación Abierta
Alberdi, Lola; Valdera, Cristina
¿Está en educación todo inventado?, ¿verdaderamente vivimos un momento de alteración del paradigma educativo?, ¿o estamos acaso condenados a vivir un eterno retorno pedagógico? A estas y otras preguntas similares ...
Match: OER