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In Pennsylvania, OER is a 'grassroots effort'
EdScoop Staff [corporate]

Published3 January 2018
Type of workYouTube video interview
Publisheredscoop, Scoop News Group
CountryUnited States, North America

In an interview with EdScoop TV, Jared Mader discusses how Pennsylvania's move to OER aims to empower teachers and districts.

Keywords EdScoop TV · education technology · OER · openly licensed digital materials · SETDA

Published atWashington, D.C
RefereedDoes not apply
RightsCopyright 2018 Edscoop. All rights reserved.
Access date3/15/2018
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Michigan drives efforts to "go open" with statewide OER
EdScoop Staff
Michigan Department of Education is in the process of launching its digital content library on OER Commons, Ann-Marie Mapes says.
Match: EdScoop Staff; United States; North America

Indiana educators benefitting from state's commitment to OER
EdScoop Staff
Candice Dodson describes the work Indiana has done to promote openly licensed digital resources during an interview with EdScoop TV.
Match: EdScoop Staff; United States; North America

Exclusive: Education officials to announce access to openly licensed content for educators
Lestch, Corinne
The Department of Education, along with major technology companies, are slated to announce that federally funded educational materials will be openly licensed to the public.
Match: OER; SETDA; United States; North America

From EDUPUNK to open policy: Critical technology Praxis within higher education
Miller, Jamison
Emerging less than a decade ago, the term EDUPUNK sought to encapsulate the nascent rebellion against the corporatism and neoliberal ideology permeating digital aspects of higher education. A loose association of ...
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MOOC makers: Professors’ experiences with developing and delivering MOOCs
Blackmon, Stephanie
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have been described as purposeful educational resources for teaching, open educational initiatives, competency-based learning, and the like. They have also been described as an agent ...
Match: OER; United States; North America

Edtech developers to create open educational resources
Lestch, Corinne
Ten content developers will compete to create prototype open educational resources, which are openly-licensed lesson plans and materials that can be used and modified by teachers.
Match: OER; United States; North America

Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Open Educational Resources
Jacob, Meredith; Jaszi, Peter; Adler, Prudence S.; Cross, William
Fair use enables the creation of new and different OER - resilient materials that give educators the control and flexibility to meet the needs of their students and the pedagogical goals of their courses. In competition ...
Match: OER; United States; North America

American University is latest to shift toward OER to make college more affordable
Lestch, Corinne
Through the Open Textbook Network, AU students can access hundreds of free, openly licensed textbooks.
Match: OER; United States; North America

Assistant Secretary of State remarks on the importance of OER
Forward, Mary Lou
Governments are increasingly paying attention to the potential of OER to leverage improvements in reach, effectiveness and equality of education. Evan Ryan, the US Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and ...
Match: OER; United States; North America

Open educational resources in the United States: Insights from university foreign language directors
Thoms, Joshua J.; Thoms, Becky L.
This study reports the results of a survey completed by 155 university foreign language (FL) directors in the United States (US) during Fall 2012. Survey respondents come from a variety of institutions and direct a ...
Match: OER; United States; North America