Cloud learning activities orchestration for MOOC environments
Published | September 2014 |
Conference | Learning Technology for Education in Cloud. MOOC and Big Data (LTEC 2014) |
Series | Communications in Computer and Information Science Volume 446, Pages 25-36 |
Publisher | Springer International Publishing |
Editors | Uden, Lorna · Sinclair, Jane · Tao, Yu-Hui · Liberona, Dario |
Country | Chile, South America |
In this paper we focus on an approach to using cloud-based (Web 2.0) tools for MOOCs applying a new version of an innovative architecture for `cloud learning activities orchestration' (CLAO). This works presents the CLAO, and examine its effectiveness for the use of learning activities in the cloud for MOOC experiences, presenting results and findings. Having performed learning analytics to examine the actual behavior of learners using the CLAO, we present results describing how learners evolved, after doing several learning activities, to a more elaborated and meaningful use of the cloud-based tools. These results contribute to a better understanding of the use of a cloud education environment in three MOOC courses with different topics (Medical Urgencies, Introduction to E-Learning and Cloud Tool for Learning Activities), and will enable further discussion and insights to improve methodological and orchestration strategies, and the use of innovative cloud-based tools in future MOOCs.Keywords | cloud education environment · cloud-based tools · e-learning · learning analytics · learning orchestration · MOOC · VLE · web 2.0 |
Published at | Santiago |
ISBN | 978-3-319-10671-7 |
Refereed | Yes |
Rights | © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014 |
DOI | 10.1007/978-3-319-10671-7_3 |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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