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Wrangling Open Educational Resources
Cuillier, Cheryl

Conference2014 Arizona Library Association Annual Conference
CountryUnited States, North America

Presented at 2014 Arizona Library Association Annual Conference, Scottsdale, AZ / Open educational resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials that are free to use, customize, and share. There’s a goldmine of OER online, but locating them is like trying to herd cattle (or cats). It takes persistence and a knack for tracking down things that are scattered all over. OER range from digital textbooks, lesson plans, and games to assignments, videos, and lab notes. Learn about the benefits of OER, potential barriers, where to find high-quality OER, and how to increase customers’ awareness of them. The target audience for this presentation is anyone who works with K-12 classes, college students, instructors, and lifelong learners.

Keywords library · OER · Open Educational Resources

Published atScottsdale, Arizona
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American University is latest to shift toward OER to make college more affordable
Lestch, Corinne
Through the Open Textbook Network, AU students can access hundreds of free, openly licensed textbooks.
Match: OER; Open Educational Resources; United States; North America

Credentials for open learning: Scalability and validity
Hoffman, Mika; Olmsted, Ruth
The authors of this study advocate separating credentialing from the learning process as a path to greater scalability and better measurement of what independent learners learn from OER. They address the challenge of ...
Match: OER; Open Educational Resources; United States; North America

Structuring actions for open educational resources adoption
Wang, Shouhong; Wang, Hai
Open educational resources (OER) are growing over the past decade. While OER can make educational resources widely available to all students and educators for free, OER are still untried by the majority of instructors, ...
Match: OER; United States; North America

Teachers shift to open content over textbooks – report
Lestch, Corinne
Three out of four teachers say they use openly licensed educational content instead of textbooks, according to a TES Global survey.
Match: OER; Open Educational Resources; United States; North America

Images and the open educational resources (OER) movement
Perez, Jorge Enrique
With the growing interest in faculty publication in Open Educational Resources (OER), librarians have not only been tasked in becoming well versed in locating OER materials for instructors but also assisting with ...
Match: OER; Open Educational Resources; United States; North America

OER reaches ‘inflection point,’ and states are leading the charge
Tate, Emily
Special report: Changes in policy, perception and technology are propelling Indiana, Michigan, Utah, Washington and other states to build digital libraries for open educational resources.
Match: OER; Open Educational Resources; United States; North America

Cultivating textbook alternatives from the ground up: One public university’s sustainable model for open and alternative educational resource proliferation
Lashley, Jonathan; Cummings-Sauls, Rebel; Bennett, Andrew; Lindshield, Brian
This note from the field reviews the sustainability of an institution-wide program for adopting and adapting open and alternative educational resources (OAER) at Kansas State University (K-State). Developed in consult ...
Match: OER; Open Educational Resources; United States; North America

School districts to use openly licensed online content over textbooks — officials
Lestch, Corinne
The agency announced Thursday that 10 school districts will replace at least one textbook with openly licensed educational content. Copyrighted materials created with federal money will also be open.
Match: OER; Open Educational Resources; United States; North America

Impact of Open Educational Resources on course DFWI rates in undergraduate online education
Shaw, Cassandra S.; Irwin, Kathleen C.; Blanton, Doris
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) and course DFWI (Drop, Fail, Withdrawal, Incomplete) rates at the undergraduate level of an online ...
Match: OER; Open Educational Resources; United States; North America

Free, open educational content gaining ground in schools
Lestch, Corinne
A California nonprofit organization is looking for vendors to create Open Educational Resources, which would lower costs in schools but some say could upend the $8 billion-a-year educational content and textbook ...
Match: OER; Open Educational Resources; United States; North America