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Spotting at-risk droppers in MOOCs
Itani, Alya · Brisson, Laurent · Garlatti, Serge

PublishedJuly 2018
Conference2018 IEEE 18th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT)
Volume 00, Pages 223-224
CountryFrance, Europe

In this paper, we propose a machine learning based drop-out prediction process for spotting and preventing drop-out among MOOC learners early upon their interaction with the course. Two main goals are perused in this scope, first, achieving an accurate prediction at a specified instant of the course, established with the help of predictive type classifiers. Second, uncovering the underlying reasons for the predicted drop-out established with the help of explicative type classifiers. The related experimental findings show promising results.

Keywords decision trees · machine learning · predictive models · radio frequency · testing · trajectory · tuning

Published atMumbai
RightsCopyright © 2018 IEEE. All rights reserved.
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