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An Introduction to Open Education
Arts, Yvette · Call, Hannah · Cavan, Melissa · Holmes, Theresa P. · Rogers, Jacob · Tuiloma, Sara H. · West, Layne · Kimmons, Royce

PublisherEdTech Books
CountryUnited States, North America

This open-access edited volume features chapters by leading and emerging authors and researchers in the field of open education and open educational resources. Sections include the foundations of OE and OER, current research including open textbooks and dashboards, obstacles in the use of OER and open scholarship, and future directions such as open pedagogy. The appendices include several student presentations as slides and videos that can themselves be used as open educational resources.

Keywords open education · open educational resources · open textbook · continuous improvement · dashboard · obstacle · open pedagogy

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Content is king: An analysis of how the twitter discourse surrounding open education unfolded from 2009 to 2016
Paskevicius, Michael; Veletsianos, George; Kimmons, Royce
Inspired by open educational resources, open pedagogy, and open source software, the openness movement in education has different meanings for different people. In this study, we use Twitter data to examine the ...
Match: Kimmons, Royce; open education; open pedagogy; North America

Effects of open textbook adoption on teachers’ open practices
Mason, Stacie; Kimmons, Royce
The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand whether certain theoretical benefits that open educational resources (OER) might have on teacher practice were being realized by a group of secondary teachers ...
Match: Kimmons, Royce; open education; United States; North America

Student voice in textbook evaluation: Comparing OpStudent voice in textbook evaluation: Comparing open and restricted Textbooksen and Restricted Textbooks
Woodward, Scott; Lloyd, Adam; Kimmons, Royce
Advocates for student voice in higher education believe students should have the right and power to engage in much of the decision-making traditionally dominated by instructors or administrators. This qualitative study ...
Match: Kimmons, Royce; open pedagogy

Free to learn: An Open Educational Resources policy development guidebook for community college governance officials
Plotkin, Hal
Open Educational Resources (OER) offer higher education governance leaders a cost-efficient method of improving the quality of teaching and learning while at the same time reducing costs imposed on students related to ...
Match: education; United States; North America

Impact of OER in Teacher Education
Cummings-Clay, Denise
The purpose of this research study, which employed a quantitative research design, was to determine if there was a difference in the grades achieved by students who were enrolled in an entry-level Foundations of ...
Match: open education; open educational resources; United States; North America

2018-2019 Connect OER report
Nyamweya, Mo
This report offers a snapshot of the state of OER activities at participating institutions as of the end of the 2018-2019 academic year. Our intent is that these insights will help inform SPARC members, open education ...
Match: open education; open educational resources; United States; North America

Open educational resources in computer science teaching
Dichev, Christo; Dicheva, Darina; Smith King, Laurie; Musicant, David R.; et al.
Open content and open access to resources are important factors in the innovation of Computer Science education. This paper presents a study aimed at gaining an understanding of the needs of Computer Science educators ...
Match: open education; United States; North America

Introduction to open education: Towards a human rights theory
Blessinger, Patrick; Bliss, TJ
Education is recognized as a fundamental human right. Yet, many people throughout the world do not have access to important educational opportunities. Open education, which began in earnest in the late 1960s with the ...
Match: open education; United States; North America

RIPOFF 101: How the current practices of the textbook industry drive up the cost of college textbooks
Fairchild, Merriah; California Student Public Interest Research Group (CALPIRG)
With student and faculty complaints about the price of college textbooks on the rise, the California Student Public Interest Research Group (CALPIRG), the Oregon Student Public Interest Research Group (OSPIRG) and the ...
Match: education; United States; North America

University students and faculty have positive perceptions of open/ alternative resources and their utilization in a textbook replacement initiative
Lindshield, Brian L.; Delimont, Nicole; Turtle, Elizabeth C.; Bennett, Andrew; Adhikari, Koushik
The Kansas State University Open/Alternative Textbook Initiative provides grants to faculty members to replace textbooks with open/alternative educational resources (OAERs) that are available at no cost to students. ...
Match: United States; North America