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From content to practice: Sharing educational practice in edu-sharing
Klebl, Michael · Krämer, Bernd J. · Zobel, Annett

PublishedNovember 2010
JournalBritish Journal of Educational Technology
Volume 41, Issue 6, Pages 936 - 951
CountryGermany, Europe

For technology-enhanced learning, the idea of learning objects transfers the technologies of content management, methods of software engineering and principles of open access to educational resources. This paper reports on CampusContent, a research project and competence centre for e-learning at FernUniversitat in Hagen that designed and developed an integrated portal to a repository network named edu-sharing. This portal facilitates sharing, joint development and reuse of learning material and pedagogical knowledge. CampusContent focused on essential challenges concerning use and utility of learning objects and developed principles, methods and tools that support educators in the process of contextualising learning objects within educational settings. Our model offers three levels of contextualisation: configurable objects, learning scenarios and an integrated work environment for educators.

Keywords learning scenarios · research · CampusContent · repository network · edu-sharing · reuse

Published atWiley-Blackwell, Commerce Place, 350 Main st., Malden 02148, MA USA
Rights© 2010 The Authors. British Journal of Educational Technology © 2010 Becta
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