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OERopoly: Collaborative learning about Open Educational Resources through game-playing
Connolly, Teresa

PublishedMarch 2012
SeriesCollaborative Learning 2.0: Open Educational Resources
Chapter 21, Pages 391-409
PublisherIGI Global
EditorsConnolly, Teresa · Okada, Alexandra · Scott, Peter J.

The Open Educational Resources (OER) community supports the belief that knowledge is a public good and, combined with technological advancement, can provide an extraordinary opportunity to help equalize the distribution of high-quality knowledge and educational opportunities for everyone in the world. This chapter’s hypothesis centres on the premise that: “The OER ecology does not seem to be widely adopted or understood and that game-playing has the potential to raise awareness and improve understanding of such relationships in an entertaining manner, while engaging in a deep discussion about OER best practices.” To address this hypothesis, the authors present OERopoly, a game that has been designed and developed to raise awareness about OER. They set out to assess game-playing as a means of improving collaborative learning opportunities around OER projects through this OER ecology: the OER projects themselves, the online communities, and the Web 2.0 technologies used by OER projects.

Keywords OER best practices · web 2.0

ISSNISBN13: 9781466603004, ISBN10: 1466603003, EISBN13: 9781466603011
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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