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Growing The curriculum with Open Education Resources
Classroom Aid [corporate]

PublishedDecember 2012
PeriodicalVolume 2014
PublisherClassroom Aid: Connecting Dots of Digital Learning
Other numberDecember 9th, 2014
RefereedDoes not apply
Access dateDecember 9th, 2014
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A guide to using Open Educational Resources in marketing education
Classroom Aid
Match: Classroom Aid

OER in the Mobile Era
Classroom Aid
Match: Classroom Aid

Curriculum, intellectual property rights and open educational resources in British universities—and beyond
Hawkridge, David; Armellini, Alejandro; Nikoi, Samuel; Rowlett, Tania; Witthaus, Gabi
Is the curriculum in British universities being influenced by decisions about ownership of intellectual property rights (IPR) in ‘open educational resources’ (OERs) that are available online under Creative Commons ...
Match: curriculum

Distance education and its potential for international co-operative education
Frydenberg, J.
This paper summarises some of the major trends in distance education in the first decade of the 21st Century, and explores the implications of these trends for international collaboration among institutions of ...
Match: curriculum

Opening education
Smith, Marshall S.
Spurred by the publication of Massachusetts Institute of Technology OpenCourseWare in 2002, the open educational resources (OER) movement, which has rapidly expanded and captured the imagination and energy of millions ...
Match: curriculum

AgShare: Building community and content with multiple partners
Geith, Christine; Butcher, Neil; Vignare, Karen; Yergler, Nathan R.; Alluri, Krishna
Michigan State University and OER Africa are creating a win-win collaboration of existing organizations for African publishing, localizing, and sharing of teaching and learning materials that fill critical resource gaps ...
Match: curriculum

Open Educational Resources and collaborative content development: A practical guide for state and school leaders
Patrick, Susan; Bliss, TJ; Tonks, DeLaina
Open Educational Resources and Collaborative Content Development: A Practical Guide for State and School Leaders – written by TJ Bliss, Ph.D. of the Idaho State Department of Education, DeLaina Tonks of the Mountain ...
Match: curriculum

OER models that build a culture of collaboration: A case exemplified by Curriki 2 open source – The solution
Kurshan, Barbara
This article explores the impact that Open Educational Resources (OER) can have on eliminating the “Education Divide.” Advances in information technologies have created unique opportunities for the free exchange and ...
Match: curriculum

Open Educational Resources for development of university courses
Richards, Griff; Marshall, Stewart
Open Education Resources are educational materials purposely made available for free use by others. They offer tremendous potential for reducing costs and increasing access to education especially in the developing ...
Match: curriculum

Structuring OER using learning trajectories
Schuwer, Robert; de Vries, Fred
The Wikiwijs program in the Netherlands is experimenting in structuring a repository with digital learning materials by labelling these materials with the learning goals and subjects handled by it. This makes it ...
Match: curriculum