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The impact and reach of MOOCs: A developing countries’ perspective
Liyanagunawardena, Tharindu Rekha · Williams, Shirley · Adams, Andrew

PublishedMay 2013
JournaleLearning Papers
Volume 33, Issue May 2013, Pages 1-8
EditorsKoskinen, Tapio and Mor, Yishay

Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are a recent but hugely popular phenomenon in the online learning world. They are hailed by many as a solution for the developing world’s lack of access to education because MOOCs can provide learning opportunities to a massive number of learners from anywhere in the world as long as they can access the course through Internet.

However, a close consideration of the ability of learners from most developing countries to make use of MOOCs seems to contradict this rhetoric. This paper discusses features of MOOCs and looks at them from a developing countries’ perspective to conclude that due to a complicated set of conditions (‘access’, language, computer literacy among others) prevailing in developing countries, MOOCs may not be a viable solution for education for a large proportion of people in these areas of the world. The paper further shows the need for more data on the demographics of MOOC participants from developing countries to form a better understanding of MOOCs role in educating people from developing countries.

Keywords connectivism · MOOC · online courses

Published atBarcelona
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