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Open/distance teaching universities worldwide: Current challenges and future prospects
Guri-Rosenblit, Sarah

JournalEduAction : Electronic Education Magazine
Volume 2, Issue 4, Pages 4-12
PublisherPolish Society of Internet Education Research
Original PublicationEduAkcja. Magazyn edukacji elektronicznej
CountryPoland, Europe

This article examines the current challenges faced by open/distance teaching universities worldwide. The challenges relate to: the change of technological and instructional infrastructures; the move from national systems to a global landscape; the need to find appropriate parties for collaboration in the academic and corporate worlds; the search for quality assurance mechanisms; and the digital divide between developing and developed countries, and between poor and rich. The article concludes with highlighting the leading prospects for open/ distance teaching universities.

Keywords digital divide · digital technologies · distance education · e-learning · open universities

RightsCopyright © 2013 EduAkcja. Magazyn Edukacji Elektronicznej. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone
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