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Open Practices: A briefing paper
Beetham, H. · Falconer, I. · McGill, L. · Littlejohn, A.

PeriodicalPages 1-12

What are 'open educational practices'?
Why engage in open educational practices?
OERs and open learning
OERs and open pedagogies or teaching practices
OERs and sharing learning/teaching ideas
OERs and open technologies
OERs and open scholarship
Common issues in open educational practices

This briefing paper on Open Practices is based on outcomes of the UK OER programme (phase 2). It was produced by the UK OER support and evaluation team in February 2012 to review evidence of relations between use and reuse of open educational resources and other aspects of open practice in education.

Keywords legal and contractual issues with OER · open learning · open practice · open scholarship · open teaching practices · open technologies

RefereedDoes not apply
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