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Towards open education at a private university in Kenya
Mays, Tony J.

PublishedOctober 2017
Type of workOpen Praxis draft
PeriodicalPages 1-15
CountryKenya, Africa

This paper is based on a Doctoral study. The study derived from a multi-year project implemented by OER Africa to explore the potential of Open Educational Resources (OER) in support of pedagogic transformation in African universities. The wider project adopted a participatory action research process while the study made use of an analytical autoethnographic approach to capture and analyse data and to make recommendations. The approach involved multiple in-country engagements with Africa Nazarene University in Kenya and the triangulation of information derived from document review, observation and iterative focus group discussions and individual interviews.

Initially the engagement focused on developing a supportive policy and capacity-building environment for individuals to integrate OER into specific Open, Distance and eLearning (ODeL) courses and to publish revised course materials under an open licence. However, as the initiative progressed, it became apparent that there was need to revisit the institution’s overall business model.

Keywords business models · ODeL · OER

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