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OER, estndares y tendencias
Morales, Germania Rodriguez and Carrin, Samanta Cueva

PublishedJanuary 2010
JournalRUSC. Universities and Knowledge Society Journal
Volume 7, Issue 1
PublisherUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya, University of New England

Los trminos objetos de aprendizaje (OA) y recursos educativos abiertos OER resultan de inters en muchos mbitos sociales, principalmente en el de la educacin superior, porque constituyen una valiosa posibilidad de equidad o justicia social a travs del acceso, aplicacin y generacin de conocimiento.Para que los OER aporten a sus diseadores o usuarios todas sus ventajas y caractersticas, tales como reusabilidad, accesibilidad, interoperabilidad y aplicabilidad en el marco de los objetivos planteados para su creacin, deben estar alineados a las tendencias y avances de la sociedad como fin y la tecnologa como medio.El presente artculo presenta la investigacin efectuada por las autoras sobre tres aspectos seleccionados de la prospectiva actual de los OER estndares de accesibilidad, la incorporacin de componentes sociales y la web semntica...

Keywords autoria socia · l estndards d'accessibilitat · OA · objectes d'aprenentatge · OER · recursos educatius oberts · web semntic

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A critical take on OER practices: Interrogating commercialization, colonialism, and content
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Match: OA; OER

The ascent of Open Access
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This report is an analysis of the Open Access landscape since the turn of the millennium. It compares the leading countries for research outputs with those producing the most Open Access papers over a 16-year period, as ...
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Effectiveness of OER use in first-year higher education students’ mathematical course performance
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This article examines the effect of two Open Educational Resources (OER) - Khan Academy Collection and a teacher-authored open textbook - on mathematical course performance and attendance amongst first-year higher ...
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Development of an online field safety open educational resource using Xerte
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Two models for sharing digital open educational resources
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Two contrasting models to facilitate the sharing of digital educational resources available for Higher Education are reviewed. The first model is based upon a low-input / open-access format that identifies, reviews then ...
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The 2015 open and online education trend report: Perspectives on developments in Dutch higher education
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Match: OER

Quality assurance in the open: An evaluation of OER repositories
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This KPU professor brought open-education advocacy all the way to the UN
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Do open educational resources improve student learning? Implications of the access hypothesis
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Match: OER

Localizing OER in Afghanistan: Developing a multilingual digital library for Afghan teachers
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